Hello St Louis investors. I travel back and forth to St Louis for work, and am seriously considering doing some investing. I saw a few properties In Country Club Hills City that are owned by the county trustee.
Has anyone here bought a property from the trustee? (the properties on this list: https://stlouiscountymo.gov/st.../revenue/trustee-office/) also here is the GIS map for the properties: St Louis Trustee Sales
How did you choose what to bid on the property based on the instructions they put out. I have tried to call the office to get some guidance, but so far have not connected. I will send them at email once I know a few properties that I want to bid on.
I will need to do my due diligence on the properties, so am working to find a team including a lawyer that can help with quiet title, as well as a title company to help me get the title search done and other ways to research what is happening with the property.
Many thanks!