Quote from @Kevin Pillow:
@Jamie Salyer I literally just posted this in a different thread asking about the accuracy of AirDNA and then I saw your thread so I copied it over. I'm a huge fan of Avery Carls work, I recommend her book to everyone lol and the Enemy method is great but it is time consuming and we usually don't have the time to spend 2-3 hours analyzing one property for an investor that may or may not pull the trigger on the property. Using Pricelabs market dashboard feature we can build out dashboards for specific areas we work for short term rental clients. We can also filter for very specific areas/neighborhoods/condo buildings by using their draw tools on a map.
This is my process for building a comp analysis using price labs and applying the enemy methodology to see what you can expect for revenue numbers of a potential investment property. You can DM me and I would be more than happy to jump on zoom to go over some other things I do to get the big picture of STR performance in my market.
The Pricelabs market dashboard feature (very affordable) to do a comp analysis similar to the enemy method:
1. Create a dashboard for your area of interest
2. Filter to match the number of bedrooms of the subject property
3. Filter for AirBnBs in the neighborhood of your property by using the box or laso tool
3. Then Pricelabs will generate a list of all the active airbnb listings within that box/laso that can be sorted by different categories and is downloadable
4. The categories will show occupancy rate, listed rate, revenue and some other metrics
5. There is also a link to each property in the list so you can see the actual Airbnb listing for the property. If the property has high occupancy rates, lots of reviews and solid revenue you can go to their airbnb listing and analyze what they did to their property to get those kinds of results. Your job would be figuring out how your property compares and what you need to do to be in the same bracket as those best preforming airbnbs in your target area. You can also get a better idea of what your revenue numbers can be based on comps with other active airbnb listings in your immediate area. Here is a screen shot to see what it looks like when you filter for a specific area. Hope this helps!

Kevin, yes!!! Thank you so much for this amazing and detailed response. I actually just got off the phone with PriceLabs this morning and I'm going to use them. I love that they have historical data, the past 12 months and the reports are professional and comprehensive so I can send them to clients. This is what I was looking for! Like you said, I will still use the Enemy Method.
Do you delete the Dashboard once you have the data that you need for comps so that you don't pay for it every month? Or is there a benefit to keeping it that I'm not seeing?