I have a unique nightmare she was told she will have to move of I don't get rent, she begged me to wait till aid agencies helped her, then I started getting aid workers from private agencies calling me, showing up to help her, this dragged on for 45 days and every time I questioned her about it, she had more help. Come to find out she lied to them all and played with them tried to defraud them and they all fled her.
I found out she has not had electricity in 3 months, has the gas turned off, and winter is coming at us fast here in Northern Michigan. The only Landlord tenant lawyers near us want $300 minimum to say hello and hint at hours and hours to work through this.
Since she has not been in that Unit in over 3 months and lives with her boyfriend now full time, what is my recourse to get her officially evicted.
In talking to the court Landlord tenant office they said if I have "reason knowledge" that she has not been there in 3 months or even less i can take possession if she has no person items there. That advice all be it not legal sounds shaky.
Does anyone know how I can get possession without exposing myself legally?