I am rebuilding an old web site CHARTERED to share real… deals…
It had…. And will have ..a GREAT FORUM…that has the typical…” Deals Available” section.
But… the deals REQUIRE …
a) the seller post the deal and …
b) Include …. TWO EXIT STRATEGIES… per deal
Then all members ( at a given level) ( NOT PAID LEVEL) vet the deals….
A given number of “ down votes” and this posting get marked as “ marginal”
Plan B… same forum…
Based on the market of the property, a live “ investment “ number score will post immediately next to the title… so all you need to do is… look at the title… look at the “ investment rating” score… and decide if you even want to open up the posting.
Also enough Retail Deals listed as Whole Sale Deals… and the posting member gets suspended.
Three suspensions and the member is blocked.
Why in the WORLD would any whole-seller want to participate ?
because if you’re known as a great whole-seller with GREAT deals…. Then buyers will be looking at your postings first.
My personal record for a killer deal for me AND the investor
22 hours from me signing the option ( buy) paperwork to signing the assignment
$50 ( fifty)… five…oh… FITTY dollars out of pocket
My “ option to buy price”..$15,000
My “ Assignment fee” …$. $17,000
Assignment deal completed 22 hours after I signed the initial docs.
Sound like a rip off? Did I make too much in the middle?
The initial total cost to the end investor buyer was;
$32,000 total cost at closing
$30,000 rehab cost
8 months later the investor sold it for $110,000 ( I think)…
even the retail buyer got a deal.
So…. Yes… fair deals are possible.
Currently the whole-salers are not leaving any equity in the deal.
And (in my opinion…).. IN…THIS…ORDER…
Unwise/ Immature Investors.. aka Gamblers
Whole Sale sellers
Are the problems
Of the above , THREE …CLAIM… to be “ Ed-vocates” ( my phrase) but aren’t advocating for anyone but themselves… in the form of selling training, gathering a following of new sheep, skimming the best deals for themselves.. ( yes I personally saw this repeat again and again).
And one is risking Bankruptcy.
Sorry for the rambling…