I wanted to give an update on the house hack I went under contract on. The inspector said it was basically a dumpster fire and that he would refund my money and not write the report if I wanted to. I was so grateful and backed out of the deal. Even though I didn't find my new investment property, I have found an amazing inspector that I trust. Apparently there was mold, asbestos ceiling texture, lead paint falling off the ceiling, and foundation problems due to drainage issues. Also the fact that the utilities opened into a bedroom made it not up to code. And he said he recommended a methamphetamine test because there were holes all in the walls. Wow. I just learned a huge lesson: don't let your emotions get in the way of your objectivity. Before the inspector came I had my contractor friend telling me I could just replace the screws in the leaking metal roof and that I could just pour some concrete in the sunken kitchen floor. Man I dodged a bullet on this one. There is no way I was going to "put lipstick on a pig" and rent the thing out, potentially putting my tenants at risk for health issues. I would have had to pay all the premiums to get professionals to do all the remediating, killing my business before I even got started. WHEW!! On to the next...