Pay off the credit card debt first. It costing you 15% - 20% or more on the carried balance if you don't have a promotion. This will get you $600/month back.
Check how your plan handles 401k loan payments. I believe most (all?) plans have you paying your principle and interest back to yourself. If that is the case, the $1,000 per month impacts your operational budget, but is really a transfer into your savings. You can use this money to pay off the credit card debt if you haven't already spent it.
Maybe you got a steal of a deal, but I am suspicious that you spent $100k for a rehab property and it is actually worth $200k. Did you mean it will be worth $200k after the renovation? If so, your $100k purchase + $100k renovation isn't actually making you a profit. Otherwise, if it is currently $200k and will be $300k(?) after renovation, consider selling it to harvest the profits and get out of debt.
The rental property looks like it is covering itself. You can get a lower rate now, but it may be worth waiting until around the end of the year to refi. You will get a better refi rate if you don't take money out, but the refi will cost you closing costs.