I currently have 2 rental properties in lower income communities. I was fortunate because I happened to have a family friend who wanted to purchase a few properties but had no interest in being involved with the property. He wanted to create passive income and put up the funds. I was already managing a few properties and also owned my own remodeling business. So me and him became 50/50 partners. The arrangement consisted of me finding the property, Remodeling the property, Finding tenants, and managing the property from that point on. All he wanted was me to give him his half of the rent.
This is what has sparked my question. I was fortunate to find the partner I currently have . I am interested in several more properties and actually have leads right now on several great properties.
So my question is this:
How do I find more investors interested in this type of arrangement? I know this is a common practice I just cant figure out how to find interested partners.