Hey @Andrew B. ! In my case, I have had one STR up and running for just over two years now. Initially I wanted to test out the model here in Sioux Falls before diving head first into the field. I have done mostly LTR up to this point and was familiar with them but was seeking more of a return. I opened my first place, a 3 bed 2 bath, the April after COVID hit and I was was expecting to be vacant most of the time, but was shocked at how busy it was. I was getting about 90-95% occupancy. I did notice a significant drop in winter bookings, but was still booked about 50-60% of the time. After testing it out for 15 months, I opened another 2 last year and got another 2 up this year, with the next one up next week. So I don't have enough data to definitively say that there was a significant drop in bookings between the two years. Sorry I can't be of more help there. One thing that I have noticed though is that my smaller units are booked way more often then my larger ones. I have 2 bedrooms up to 4 bedrooms and my 2 bedrooms perform way better.
Let me know if you need anything else!