I need to evict a tenant in order to renovate. The tenant is claiming alleged Covid hardship so evictions of all types are apparently delayed at least through this May in New York State. Where can I access the proper forms to file an eviction proceeding in a local village court to have the case posted and placed in line for processing when evictions can again proceed? I need the forms to file and cannot get them from the local court. The village clerk says to “go online” to find them. There are many forms “on line” and I want the proper New York State forms to evict a tenant “for renovations”. Where can I find appropriate tenant eviction forms to file in local court? The tenant has already received a certified letter to vacate in 90 days due to major renovations. The tenant said she “could not find a place” and after the 90 day notice period which expired January 31, 2021 consulted a “legal services” lawyer and claimed Covid hardship. The tenant is “working the system” and I want to file the proper eviction paperwork to get the tenant out as soon as the law allows, hence I need to access the proper legal forms. Where can I find the exact forms needed. I do not want to front the expense of a lawyer. The location of the rental unit is in a small, distressed, upstate New York village which is in the beginning of a turn-around and the local village judge is a “law and order” type who appears to be pro-landlord. I think once I get before that judge he will help me out. Thanks! Jim K.