This is again going to be a really long post so I appreciate anyone that answers. Thank you.
I have interviewed about 5 agents so far and I still haven't settled on one. I suppose I will start with why I am having trouble.
I am an aspiring investor just starting out. I intend to purchase my first home this year. Ideally within the next 3 to 4 months around the time my lease expired. I have read about 6 books, listened to podcasts, read articles, etc. I still have so much to learn and so I am looking for an agent who is going to be best for me for the journey I have chosen.
I have chosen to do a combination of the brrrr strategy and the Nomad strategy. Nomad is a process of serial househacking once a year.
The first problem is that every single agent wants me to sign an exclusivity agreement with them. Even the videos i have watched on the Nomad strategy advocated for that. Yet almost every investor I have talked to says not to.
The second problem is my expectations of agents. I am looking for an investor friendly agent who is willing to build a long term relationship with me. Take the time to educate me. I want them to be an investor themselves and I want them to be a full time agent. And of course have a lot of experience and knowledge in my area. I will be buying multiple houses from them so I think that is a fair standard. Since I have never bought a house or worked with an agent I dont know what to expect. My current issue is with the agent I am thinking about now.
She has 30 years experience and says she used to have over 30 rentals which she liquidated over the years. Now she says she is full time but also she runs a bed and breakfast. She has only 1 active rental. She says she is the best because of her experience. And because she is in the know about developments in the city since she is on boards and such. So after a meeting I am considering her. I was really close to signing the exclusivity agreement until yesterday.
We had our meeting or thursday and i told her exactly what kind of property i was looking for. A dublex, tri or quad that is at least 80% of market value. I will even consider SFH with 2 baths but she said what i want would work better with a duplex. She said it would be really hard to find a property that meets my criteria below 20% market value but she gave me a statement of confidence that she could help me find it within my time frame. 3 to 4 months. Well to be specific I asked her if she was confident she would be able to do it and she said "Sure."
The next morning on Friday she sends me a listing of a duplex by email and says that this could potnetially meet my criteria. I looked at it and sent her a few questions which she still hasn't responded back to. Let me see if i can find the questions.
1. How long has it been on the market?
2. What type of neighborhood is it in?
3. Any idea why the price is so low relative to it's value?
4. What do you think the true value is?
5. What are the comps?
6. Rent levels in the area?
So far a day later i have gotten no reply. Today is Saturday.
TL:DR. Am I expecting too much from my potential agent? What should my expectations be of an agent? Why shouldnt I sign an exclusivity agreement when it seems like agents arent going to give you their best effort without it?
Thanks again to anyone who has the patience to respond.