Thank you for all the responses. Regarding what I meant by astronomical fees. When all is said and done (with the lenders that I've found) I would end up paying north of $10,000 In financing, and having to borrow 50 when I only need 30. And while there is still room in the deal for me to make a profit, that hardly seems ideal. It is my solid plan b right now, but I'm really hoping I can find some cheaper money.
The suggestions about the IRAs were interesting. I didn't know you could make use of those funds. Unfortunately the reason I don't know much about IRAs is because I don't have one, and there is no one I know personally who I'd feel comfortable asking.
I've been wanting to attend an REIA meeting for a while now, but I live in western ma and there aren't any near me. I'm reluctant to make the 2+ hour drive because I don't know what to expect from those meetings, and I fear I'll waste an entire day. (Though seeing it in writing now, I guess that's a relatively low risk)
I've looked into personal loans but haven't had any luck.
Thanks you again for all the responses. I appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge and perspective with me.