@Eric C. Whether or not money is my motivation for REI is a interesting issue. I’ve heard folks say that money shouldn’t be your why, but for everyone it is certainly a why. As a preliminary response, I’d say that I do not seek money as an end in itself. It is a means to an end, namely a self-directed life and the opportunity to assist my children and their children in obtaining a self directed life. I assume when people say it shouldn’t be my why they mean it shouldn’t be my only reason or possibly my primary reason. I see money (specifically, that REI will meet or exceed the monetary benefits of pre-tax index fund investing) as a necessary, but not itself sufficient condition to deciding to diminish my pre-tax index fund investing in favor of REI. I also find REI exciting. But my interest in REI doesn’t overcome my desire for a self directed life and the ability to assist my children and their children in achieving the same.