Just read a quote, unsure of origin..
“If you hang around five confident people, you will be the sixth. If you hang around five millionaires, you will be the sixth. If you hang around five broke people, you will be the sixth.”
I am young, almost 21 and frankly the people I’m surrounded with-in my jobs or that I find are not as motivated as me and are not thinking the way I do, they won’t listen to me, mostly because of my obvious obsession with talking about anything under the sun when it comes to finances, real estate, business, etc. It is time I look for my group of friends that can help me peruse what I want to do rather than explain to me “how it doesn’t work” or say “its not that simple”. I know there are people out there that understand where I’m coming from. There are very successful people out there that most likely started in shoes similar to mine. If you are interested please comment and let me know. If not please keep scrolling.