I've had some new idiots recently:
Idiot #1: "Can I get a tour today?!"
Me: "Sure, can you tell me about your income, credit and background"
Idiot #1: "I have an eviction from my one and only apartment ever, and it was stupid, we were only there a month, it wasn't my fault, but I'm going to pay them back [it had been three years already]"
Me: "I don't rent to people with any eviction history."
Idiot #2: "Do you accept section 8?"
Me: "Section 8 pays you to live in a half million dollar house with stainless appliances and granite counters?"
Idiot #3: "[after being told twice what the credit/background/income requirements are and no pets policy and still showing up for a tour] Oh, by the way, I have an eviction, and 3 dogs, and my boyfriend has a felony conviction for armed robbery but he is a really nice guy, and oh, need you to lower the rent"
Me: "You can leave...NOW..."
Idiot #4: This lady refuses to tell me her income, even though I asked three times, because she told me she lost her apartment because she couldn't afford it on a Denny's waitress wage. Each time I asked she just kept telling me she could afford it, not to worry about it. Apparently she also had a criminal record. When she followed up again to see if I would show it to her, I told her, "Ummmmm....Noooo."
I basically talk to people like they are morons or little children now, because they prove to me each time they email/call or show up, that they are the idiots of society.
Once in a while I get a halfway intelligent person that seems to get it, as they email me that they make X amount, have x credit score and would love to see the place. Anytime I get someone who calls or emails and wants to set up an appointment to tour without talking about their background I end up finding out there is a reason for that.