@Basit Siddiqi From liability side my attorney advise was wither S-corp or LLC for asset protection. Holding LLC may be treated will be partnership 1065 as it is earning from sub LLCs. My understanding is Whollyowned LLC will generate K-1 which will be attached to my 1040 and it will not show up in page one of schedule E but in page two-line entry in tax filing which may hit my personal income tax level which will phase out (tax break) at near future. If I keep investing buying one property every year that structure will hit my income tax level.
S-corp- As disregarded/partnership 1065 will hit net investment income tax rate of 3.8% if my whole family ( me+my spouse+other current & future rentals) gross $250K annually or if my all income is over $200k. But also if I start investing in commercial or mobile home park, in future I want to sell as disregarded then those commercial can't show income to future buyer which will give him hard time to acquire loans from a bank as bank can't verify income from those commercials. In that case, S-corp is good. But then from those properties, I can't take losses or depreciation to offset my other incomes?
Both S-corp and LLC provides asset protection so I am looking for CPA.