A scam? Well, what is it walking in that you think you'll be learning and when you walk out, what did you learn?
Free is free, not much of a scam, but what did you really get for free? Ideas, maybe opinions, that's a lot like something else and everyone has them.
Did you get any meat or were you thrown a bone?
I just spent a few minutes listening to what someone calls a course on real estate investing. Actually, they took the dictionary definition and broke up each of the requirements as if they were different ways to invest. Not even correctly reading the definition was amazing to me, it requires all of the activities together until it says, and renting or selling for a profit.
Like many trying to "educate" the teacher doesn't even know what real estate is, why it's valuable or where value comes from. As if the foundation of the industry is assumed and we just jump in with myths and folklore flying right into storm without the instructor having a real education.
Making money in real estate is easy at times, without a real education it's not so easy.
When I hear someone say something like, "wow, that was great to learn from that guru", I'm laughing :)) what they are really saying is, wow, I didn't know anything about the subject but let me assure you, I'm now qualified to and can make a judgment call on the quality of the material presented. No! What you are is impressed, fired up, ready to go with the impression you learned something! You have no idea if you learned anything valuable or not. Generally, usually, in fact most often you're not learning, you're getting ideas.
Tell you what, I'll write a check for $25,000.00 to anyone who can show me a guru course that actually teaches the fundamentals, requirements and basic concepts of real estate that was published prior to this post! Don't waste your time looking, there isn't such a program. Conventional real estate schools and universities are not guru programs!
A simple example, can anyone describe 3 ways to profit from an owner having an encumbrance to title? Bet not, my bet is Phil Grove doesn't teach what encumbrances are much less how to use them to make money!
Seems everyone wants to pay big bucks to learn how to ride a unicorn, then go meet with others who claim to ride unicorns, you know, those like minded people......they are like minded all right.
We the unknowing, lead by the incompetent, attempt to accomplish the impossible with nothing but determination. While part of that is an old military slam it seems appropriate for the motto for newbie guru followers. REIA, cheer up, things could always be worse.
Come on folks, are you really willing to learn or do you just want to play big dog? :)