Michael & Sheena,
I appreciate your strong desire to change your financial path. Desire is certainly a prerequisite. having mentored REI people coast to coast, I assure you that they all have a similar desire. The ones actually succeed as REI business owners are those who think like business owners.
I suggest giving careful thought to what you where you wish to be in 2, 3, 5 years. Focus on the positive aspects of REI and don't look back. What I mean is, don't do this to:
1- get out of debt,
2- stop clamoring for time for the family
3- stop worrying about bills.
Rather, focus on
1- gain financial freedom,
2- enjoy quality time with family,
3- having plenty to share with others.
In doing this, you re-frame your current dislikes into rewarding goals. REI is one of the top time-honored ways of generating lasting wealth. I recommend it.
I also caution you about the "REI education" that is offered by so many. All the education in the world does not insure success. Attitude can.
I published a book on the subject and am willing to share it with you, gratis, if you like. Stay hungry, focused and positive, but do your due diligence when it comes to writing a check for another REI program. Cheers!