Americans are welcomed as investors in Honduras. Most investors come on short term visas of one month and then extend for a total of three months. There are three options for longer term stay:
1. A one year visa requires an attorney
2. a residency as an investor requires an attorney and a defined investment of US$50,000
3. Travel to a third country like Costa Rica every three months.
There are many pieces of land available for buyers from the USA. Honduras welcomes investment in agriculture as well as tourism with tax incentives, etc.
MOTILES, S.A., a Honduran firm can help you with investing in Honduras. . Land Search
2. Title Search
3. Attorney To Handle Transaction So You Get Clear Title
4. Support in Purchasing Needed Inputs From Tegucigalpa or San Pedro Sula
5. Preparation of Working Plan for Your Project
6. Training of your workers
7. Market development
8. Writing and Website Support
9. Assistance with Visa and Residency
For example, there are many opportunities to invest in Intibuca, the cool temperate mountain part of Honduras. MOTILES, S. A. is presently involved in assisting clients in these kinds of real estate investments:
Here's Some Ways You Can Invest in Intibuca!
A. Become a Limited Partner In The Mountain Cloud Forest Adventure Resort We Are Developing
B. Own your own 300 Manzana Property Suitable for Tourism Development
C. Own Your Own 30 Manzana farm with Banana Plantings and small cabin
D. Own Your Own 5 Manzana homesite With Cabin In The Ultimate Rustic Mountain Adventure Resort In The Cloud Forest Of Intibuca
E. Purchase or Rent Land and grow potatoes for local market
F. Purchase or Rent Land and develop fruit orchard for local market
G. Purchase or rent land and grow flowers for export
H. Purchase or rent land and develop tree fern export project
I. Purchase or rent land and develop strawberry plantation for local market and export
J. Purchase or rent land develop blackberry plantation for local market and export
K. Purchase or rent Land and grow tilapia for local market and export
Contact MOTILES, at [email protected]