I hope this will help explain how a National Appraisal Company works and what the advantges are to using one.
Lincoln Appraisal Group is headquarters is in Smithfield, RI. It has a network of over 2,000 appraisers, which are contracted through the company. The appraisers live in the communities and neighborhoods in which they appraise. With this process we make sure their is no "pushing value" of appraisals.
We review samples of each appraisers work and put them through our own due dillegence process. We have a staff of state coordinators who work as a liasion between our customers and our appraisers. These state cooridinators therefore become the primary point of contact.
We are geared to handle large volumes of appriasals. A large percentage of our appraisal are of the reo/foreclosure type. Some of larger clients include Indymac, Countrywide, Option One, and AMC servicing. For AMC servicing alone we provide over 1,000 appraisals per month of foreclosures.
Appraisals can be ordered online and check status 24/7, receive automatic updates as stauses change and read real time updates as they occur. You can post notes to our appraisers and our customer service staff.
I hope this is informative regarding how a national appraisal company works, and some of the benefits it can provide.