Go to the largest realestate office in your area.Call and make an appointment to talk with someone about a career in realestate(I say career because when an 18-25 year old calls me and says "hey man you hiring I need a job" I usually do not return the call.Be serious,on time,willing(to do what ever they ask of you),show up shaved,well dressed(not a suit necessarily...but good jeans nice polo and decent shoes),and be polite and respectful starting with your first phone call.That said expect THEM to pay for your schooling if you want to become a realestate agent,in return you will probably end up signing a 1-2 year work agreement saying you will do nothing in realestate other than work for said entity.Also look at up front fees.Some realestate agents here pay for a desk in an office on a monthly basis...if it is that type of office I would go somewhere else.Expect a low commision rate to start,after all they are paying to start you out and need to recoup the cost of that.Be eager to learn,but do not be the annoying new guy lol.
All that said if you are serious about becoming an investor there is almost no better way to start.You will learn your local market,realestate transactions and laws.It is always better to know more than the other guy when investing.
If you show up on time,work hard,and show promise you will do well.
Oh,if the first office you go to does not need anyone at that time do not give up. Go to another office...until you hit all in your area...if they all say no...go back to the first one and talk with them again,if they still say no move onto the next one ect.
PS one more thing...that 500 you have plan on spending some of it on things like business cards.