I have a complicated question about a tenant that has been renting with us for 2 year. They have been good tenants other than noise complaints.
They currently have 4 people living in a three bedroom home. However, recently they stated that they would like their daughter to live with them. The lease only states 4 people. She also mentioned that her daughter that is planning to move in with her received a dog as a gift for Christmas and was wondering if we could modify the lease to allow dogs and that they are willing to pay the fee and sign a new contract. The dog is supposedly fully trained. we responded "no", since our lease says no pets allowed.
They reply, the dog is small (less than 10 pounds) and it will be traveling with the the mom most of the time, the dog helps the daughter with anxiety and it will be her service animal. This does not add up to me if its going to be a service animal for the daughter but travel with the mom most of the time.
I did some research on the laws of service animals and I know we cannot deny them an actual ADA compliant service animal. It sounds if the pet is an actual service animal, we cannot charge extra for the pet as well.
Would I be able to ask them for documentation that this is an actual service animal? I do not live in state. Would the tenants having more people living with them than stated on the lease create issues?