The reason I followed this point was to put out the same question Shaquetta has. I've been researching different management softwares, and my biggest criteria is the ability to have my tenants pay online without a fee.... and without giving them my bank account information and worry about receipts. So, anyone who has a way to do online rent collection for free or close to it, please let me know.
In response to the other items brought up, it is something I struggle with all the time.... pay someone to get it done, or just do it myself so it gets done quickly and correctly the first time. I've discovered that it comes down to two things. The value of your time, and how that compares to other things in your life. Here's an example with an explanation: Garage door spring breaks. Quote to repair - $215. Do it myself - $100 material, probably 3+ hours of my time, and it would put me into rush hour getting home... miss out on an evening with my family. So, time-value is less than $30/hour since I have to take time to go buy the parts. Is the evening away from my family and the stress of figuring everything out worth $30/hour: Not for me right now. It was several years ago, but not right now.
Management is the same thing. I'd guess that with each unit I have, I put in about 24 hours/year average... and that's because I do most of the maintenance. Management cost to me would be about $1200/year. It probably would be realistic to round that up to $1800 if you include the little maintenance items that I take care of. So, that comes to $75/hour time value. At that rate, with my stage in life, I cannot afford to pay someone else. That time-value of $75/hour is what I'm using to build my portfolio faster than if I just kept my day job. If I were making more that $75/hour at my day job, I would hire the management. There's no reason to have the stress of management if I can make the same money just going to work.
Those are my thoughts on self management.