@Sheila Campbell There are many ways to purchase a property with no money! Here is an example or two:
Early on I read a book that said that you could get a realtor as your buyer agent to lend you his/her commission. So we did that early on. I called about 19 realtors in my area to see if they would lend me their commission so i could use that money to purchase a property creatively. The first 18 said: "no, no, never heard of this, my broker would not let me do this, you are not serious for asking...." You get the point........any way the 19th said sure I'll do it! And so with his help I was able to purchase this foreclosure that there were running no money down special.
With his commission I was able to pay for closing cost on each of the properties we purchased. I gave him an unsecured note at zero % for 48 moths of payment. The nice thing about this that I ended up buying many other properties with his help on the closing cost.... and in a year or two he was getting from me close to $2,500 per month, so during the winter, when the other realtors were starving, (the ones that did say no to my request) he was doing fine...and I ended up buyer pretty much all of my properties with
All these payments came out of the cash-flow, and even thought the properties were so leveraged that I barely broke even at the beginning (they were in quite suburban setting where it was/ is harder to cash flow) But now two decades later the property values close to quadrupled and the cash flow now over a $1000 on each of those properties. (Probably $700 after capex)
Also we would close at the end of the months and in some cases we did show the house to potential tenants before closing on the property and did sign the lease with in the same few hours after we did purchase. What was nice about it, that the lease due in advance for the month but the mortgage is not due only 30 days later (if you settle on the last day of the month) so in many cases we purchased the Fridge or stove from the first month rent if the unit was missing one)
Good luck to you in these fun times!
I have zero doubt that you will succeed!
Where there is a will, there is a way!
Kind regards