Talk to people, make offers, feel free to make them aware that you are new at this, be sincere, people will help you. All they can do is say no or yes, if they say no, move on, if they say yes, and from your evaluation it is a good deal, you can probably find a bunch of other investors on bigger pockets who will come to your aid and who you can share the deal with as you learn. Set goals, " I will make five phone calls today to talk to sellers, agents, or other investors about their deals. Be driven and focused, meditate about this before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning. Read "The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod to help set your focus for the day. It is said that "God wants to give you the kingdom", I think we all have so much magnificent and untapped potential and we can help each other succeed. How about reaching out to a few investors on Bigger Pockets that you hit it off with to form a Manifestation Support Group, help each other be the very best you can be.