Originally posted by Eddie Ziv:
This is sort of diversion from the topic, but I would somewhat agree with Jawsette. If we came out of the past eight Bush years feeling as if we were on a governmental diet, I woud concur with you Ken. The truth of the matter is that congress like to spend. The different between the left and the right is only with regard to what to spend on. I think the system as a whole is bankrupt. The Senate is an anachronistic body that we ought to do away with. It is absurd that a senator from Nebraska with only 1.7M people can dictate policy to a state like California or Texas.
Everyone has a pet project, everyone has something in their back yard, be it a defence contractor or a failed auto plant that they are trying to protect on the back of the rest of nation. Disgusting back room horse trading that should shame us all.
Both parties are afraid to stand by their parties values. Obama spent the first 30 minutes last night talking about all of his tax cuts after running on tax and spend. He does have the spend part down. As for Bush, he didn't veto a spending bill in his first 4 years while cutting taxes. I guess the topic could be called what happened to party values.
I switched to Republican in college after realizing Democrat JFK's most famous quote "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" was actually the foundation of the Republican party. Today both parties are afraid to live up to that mantra. They want to be reelected. Regardless I will always defend capitalism and fight socialism to the bitter end. We need a Republican with cahones. It looks like Arnold is starting to grow a set.