Originally posted by "REI":
You know the quote about not being able to see the trees vs. the forest.
John Corey
The same could be said from the other side of the fence.
There are just as many (IMO even more) media talking heads saying the subprime mess is overblown and ignoring poor housing numbers that keep coming out month after month, day after day.
How many car salesman have you ever heard saying it's a bad time to buy a car?
How many stockbrokers have you ever heard saying it's a bad time to buy stocks?
And how many real estate agents have you heard saying it's a bad time to buy real estate?
Sales people that make a living on commission have an agenda and that is to sell no matter what the economic circumstances are. Ever hear these lines?
...you should buy based on your life circumstances and not what the market is doing.
...if you buy it now you can live in it and enjoy the home vs. having to rent.
...real estate always appreciates in the long term so if you hold it it will go up.
There will be a time to buy but it may not be for years to come. Hindsight is always 20/20 and we won't know when the bottom is until it's already behind us. We all want to buy at the bottom but the reality is most of us never will.
In the stock market they say a stock can go a lot higher than you think it can and conversely it can go a lot lower than you think it can as well. Real estate has experienced the first extreme, now we're about to see the latter extreme.