@Russell Brazil, I see your point. Guess I hadn't looked at it from that angle. My agent has been pretty awesome and I enjoy working with her. She was my buyers agent on the last house and she listed it for me. I am a repeat customer.
I am in a very hot market and good deals are gone within a day. So it can be highly difficult at times to get our schedules to agree. She may not have time to show me a house, and I lose on the opportunity, and this has happened in the past. I guess I just have to get comfortable with seeing only the outside, or sight unseen offering? As an agent, what do you suggest for investors to do in these situations?
I currently am going to school for my license. But I will still want someone to write contracts and be my listing agent, as I don't have time (work full time, for now). So I am working ways around this, but doesn't help yet.
Additionally, while I have your attention, how do I breech the subject of perhaps lower commissions, as I am not your typical home buyer. I may buy and sell with an agent many times in one year. I have heard that many investor friendly agents offer discounts to investors for this reason?
BTW, the house I was thinking of when I wrote this post, I did go and look at this morning (outside only, peeking in windows) and had my agent put an offer on. Truly, I just wanted to get into the house before doing so, but that wasn't possible this time. Good thing for due diligence and objections.