I believe this is a good deal and it is going to be my first deal (hopefully). I have made an offer that the seller is interested in. At this point I am trying to find a partner to bring the money as I will be the boots on the ground and put in all of the work. The numbers I have put in include 10% for property management. I will be managing the property so the cash flow will be more, I just wanted to make sure the numbers work with a property manager in case I am no longer able to manage the property. My question is, is this a good deal for a partner to invest in? If I had my own money to invest I would do it on my own. I am just wondering if this is worth it to invest in for a partner and how we could possibly split the deal? (I was thinking we split it 50/50). I appreciate any help or advice anyone has. I can't wait to get my journey started!
Than you,
Holden Rexius
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