@Tom Makinen Financial Literacy is a journey itself, one reads and reflects and tries ones best to apply the learning to grow one's financial assets.
BP community is such a welcoming place where gurus are sharing their success stories to inspire/help other amateur to achieve financial success.
Real Estate is one of the very important investment vehicles. The point about primary residence is about opportunity cost - I paid off the ~4% mortgage because my money was making somewhat 1% or less sitting in the bank. Now with more knowledge about investment opportunities, I can start pondering about HELOC to leverage...
I would have invested in IUL or UL instead of 529 if I had known about the insurance products earlier. Now my kids have their own IUL , locked in their insurability plus putting the power of compound to work for them at age 6 and 7. Same goes with investing in a IUL/UL+LTC/ABR instead of buying a stand alone LTC, now I know more about these products after getting my life insurance agent license.
May the force be with the BP Community :-)