The normal foreclosure process starts with a Notice of Default it's a 90 day and you supposedly have that time to bring your mortgage current. After that the trustee files a Notice of Sale which gives you 21 days to supposedly payoff your loan in full.
I say supposedly because most lenders today will give you until the actual sale to bring the loan current. In the old days most lenders waited 2-4 months to actually start the foreclosure process and it would normally take approximately four months to complete.
There is no court action necessary. The trustee files the notice in the newspaper and has to deliver notice to the owner which is usually done by registered mail.
As you may know, because of all the mess nowadays, a foreclosure can take several years but I think once we get back to normal we'll see lenders in CA. taking 6 months to foreclose.
As far as companies that sell you information, I agree that you should use someone local. I use a company in Los Angeles that gives you pretty accurate info and what I like is that they were one of the first companies to list all the loans on a property and tell you which one was foreclosing. Previously most companies just told me there was a foreclosing trust deed and an amount, I never knew what position the loan was in.
Good luck, I hope I have helped.