Maybe I’m different than most, in the way I learn. I’m not a fan of people talking from a pulpit, or claiming expertise in a field they only read about. I learn from listening to others experience - the good, the bad and the ugly. The folks that impress me the most, are not the ones telling others what they “should” do. Instead, the people that share their fears, failures and set backs, while living this life are the quiet rock stars! Whenever I tell my wife I’m a rockstar - she rolls her eyes and tells me to bring out the garbage.
This post is for the person that may be "thinking" about getting into REI, but is yet to pull the trigger on the first deal. There's plenty of RE gurus to read about, listen to and buy their stuff from. They can be entertaining, and motivational. Their claims can be real, or they can simply be masters at marketing. Suggestion; don't judge yourself against their "huge successes" and think less of who you are.
Short answer; Yes - REI can change your life! However, it's hard work and it's not for everyone. For me - the pros far outweigh the cons in REI. I am living a life beyond my wildest dreams and REI is a huge part of it. This is coming from a small fish in a big pond. My numbers are modest - compared to others. However, that's the best part of the message I'm trying to deliver. You don't need hundreds of properties, or have an advanced degree to change your life. Suggestion; have lofty goals, but enjoy the ride.
As mentioned, my REI numbers are considered modest, and I make no claims of being an expert in any "business models." However, for me, it's a real life rags to riches story (and I remind my wife about it frequently!".
3 and a half years ago I quit my W2 job to do this full time. My wife probably thought I was off of my rocker, but was so supportive that I’ll always be grateful to her. I used her credit cards to buy my first deal! Since then, I’ve purchased 10 houses, and hold 7 as rentals. Our net worth went from negative $30k to just going over $1M last month.
The above net worth increase gets my juices pumping! But, I'm into instant gratification too. I wanted my lifestyle to change as we build an "empire" (the wording is for dramatic effect, but it's true in my mind). My personality will not allow me to live poorly, while stashing away equity for a "future good life." I guess I want my cake and…. REI allows me to eat it too.
Sometimes I think I sound like a cheerleader for REI. With what it's done for me and my family, why wouldn't I be a cheerleader? Here's the rub - there were sleepless nights where I was full of fear, and financial insecurity. Fear about letting my family down, looking like a failure, people saying "told you so", etc. I've had to grovel to building inspectors and other "nay sayers" along the way. I've crawled in the nastiest crawl spaces, and inhaled more mold than I want to admit. The critics have given me "constructive criticism" without me asking for it. I've had deadlines and pressure like I never had at the 100 W2 jobs I've held over my lifetime. Juggling credit, loans, and cash has become a stressful art. I've had dark dreams about losing it all, and having to crawl before a new boss.
Conclusion. I only have one regret. I wish I did this sooner! This is a life beyond my wildest dreams and can be yours too.