Hi everyone, I found this site fairly recently and have found the articles and forum posts to be very helpful.
I'm Hao and live in the greater Seattle area and currently work in the software industry. I've pretty much been looking for passive income my whole life, and this housing crash finally has given me the chance to jump in.
My RE experience so far:
I first considered buying rental properties in WA in the early 2000's but the numbers never worked out. But with the big crash in 08, combined with the fact that I go to Vegas fairly frequently, I noticed the cash-flow numbers started to look really good in Vegas. I started going down every month in the summer of 08, went through a few agents before I found a good one that also does property management. I was lucky to have setup a HELOC(@ prime -1.01%) early in 2008 with my primary home before the crash really hit, so I had a decent amount of initial capital to use.
I was pretty sure I would be buying into a decline, and making mistakes as I started out, so I started focusing on newer REOs but in so so areas (read North Las Vegas) to start. 2008 REOs weren't in the best condition compared to now as banks weren't equipped to handle the load I guess, I remember seeing entire neighborhoods with 50% being REOs and all in pretty beat up condition. Eventually closed my first deal in Sept 08, the numbers weren't great, but after all expenses including managment fees of 8% and an 8% vacancy rate, it would cash flow around $100/mo so I did it.
Closing was smooth (got a 5-1 conventional arm with ING), repairs were done, and it was rented within a day or two, no problem. I kept going to vegas every month looking at more properties, closed a 2nd in north las vegas in December. #3 in Feb finally moving to a nicer area, Green Valley, but caught the falling knife a bit on this one. But the cash flow numbers just kept getting better and better, combined with mortgage rates that dropped continuiously. I ended 09 with 6 properties (1 with a partner). 2010 I closed another 4, and I've bought 1 more this year.
So to summarize my present situation, I've got 11 rentals, 3 were built in the 90's, the rest are pretty new built around 2003-2005, mostly on 30 year fixeds with a few on arms, and one free and clear. My properties are all generating cash flow now, and in total roughly running at 40k/year factoring in actual expenses and budgeting $600 per property for repairs.
I'm pretty happy so far even with all the mistakes I've made...
I've still got 2 more conventional loans I can use to acquire properties (only 8 mortgages including my primary). But my days of easy financing are about to be over, so I figured this forum would be a good place to ask for suggestions on where to go from here.
Basically, once I max out my 10 investor loans, I'll be limited to partnering up to buy properties, paying off a loan to get a new one, or portfolio lending/all cash??
I'd like to leverage OPM if at all possible given these current rates.
My goal is pretty much to increase my passive income as fast as possible(with 75k/year cash flow as the initial goal), but in a safe way(read cash flow first, any appreciation as a bonus). I have a stable decent job but I'd like to retire before 40 and I think this environment is pretty much a once in a lifetime chance to acquire rentals at such low mortgage rates, especially with a massive inflation wave coming. I'm counting on the US govt trying to inflate away its debt problems, hencing 30 yr fixed loans at < 6% will be great long term. Right now I'm happy with buy/hold and trying to get to 20+ units, but assuming this market turns eventually, I have nothing against trying to switch to larger multiunit properties etc.
Sorry for the long post! I'd love to hear from anyone else who has been investing in Vegas as well...