Thanks for that Long Time. I will certainly ask the question as to why the owner hasn't done any work to the building. My assumption is that they purchased the building before the area was developed waiting to sell once all of the development was complet. The area used to be a neglected part of DC when I first moved here about 10 yrs ago. I would say in the last 3 yrs or so that area has seen tremendous growth.
How would I go about determining replacement cost? I heard this method can be quite extensive.
If I understand you correctly, once I find a good value I should reduce that number in half and then subtract repair costs. How do I justify cutting the number in half? I don't disagree with what you are saying. It makes a lot of sense, in fact I like that approach. I just want to make sure I have solid justification for the offer price if I get to the negotiating table. I don't want to appear that I am pulling a number out of thin air.