hello everyone, it's great reading all this info about lease options.
I'm looking to use this method on my first property, but I have a number of questions, and was hoping someonr could help me.
If I do a lease option, wouid i still be able to refi or pull a Heloc on the property to get money out to reinvest? If so what happens then if the tennant buyer decides go ahead and buy the property?
Then what kind of rent am I sllowdd to charge should it be slightly above market value?
Does the same apply for the sales price, can I allow a certain percentage for appreciation and inflation?
What happens with the money thats paid, does it go into escrow and the essentials(Mortgsge, taxes, ins get deducted) then I get the rest? Does the rent credits stay in the escrow account?
What am I resposible for, just cap x?
When calculating a property as a rent to own, can I leave out the costs of vacancy as there will be a buyer in there for the duration of the lease?
Also as I believe the tennant is responsible for looking after the property, do I then not allow for property management and minor repairs?
I have read as well that there is no realtor commissions on the back end when the sale happens, but there is attorney fees at the front end, will these be high?
What % is normal to ask as a down payment, do you need to keep it under 5% so that it doesn't turn into a foreclosure should you need to evict?
Is there another way to do this so that you can ask a big enough down payment to protect you and the tennant buyer?
As you can proudly tell I have a lot to learn about this matter, but any help i get will be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks