Thank you DFW but,
I used to market just that way..
Hiding my guarantee with performance clauses..
(knowing they would probably fail just by the fact their prior habits would sabotage things).
Were my numbers higher..You bet!
But my headaches were innumerable…
I had more issues with clients than I had solutions to problems…
So today I choose not to do all that.
My mail pieces are specific to their general situation.
In them I provide:
•What they want / want to do
•What can really be done.
(dependant on timeline and group “NOD, mid stage, sale date pending” sent too)
•What cannot be done…this I feel is what separates me from all comp.
(By the time my mail piece reaches clients they are usually somewhat to very educated. If you don’t know 100 time more than them it’s over quick)
So in all this I now have less client volume but higher referral ratios and less stress (priceless), better informed client and smoother transactions…
Ahh the psychology of marketing :wowo: