@Wesley W. @Lynn McGeein @Frank Chin @Brooklyn A. All good points here. thank you
I'm not trying to nickel and dime my attorney. I have good relations with him and would like to keep it that way. That is why I wanted to see what others have thought.
Here's what I think: My attorney charges $300 for any additional court appearance if the case is not settle on first appearance. So I would think he should refund $300 if we don't have to go to court anymore. All he has done so far is filed the eviction with the court. Which is $50 if you do it yourself. So $350 is still a decent amount for just filing.
Here in New Jersey tenant has the option to pay or move out, not both. He is not going pay me for attorney fees if he can't even pay his rent. I can go after him after he moves out but I don't think it worth it. He's just not getting any of his security deposit back.
Sorry I'm all over the place. Just trying to share thoughts. This situation was the first for me. I have don't evictions before with same attorney and went through with them. I'm going to wait till Friday and see if the tenant really moves.
Thanks again