If you don't really need the cash flow now and you are going more for appreciation, stay local. Being a realtor, you already know the area, you know contractors and you know what's happening in the city. You don't have to fly halfway across the country to try and figure all of that out. You have the flexibility to show your own units and manage turnovers, etc.
I see a couple of nice multi-family properties in your area for sale. If you are renting to professionals, you shouldn't have to worry about the landlord/tenant laws. If the laws are still concerning to you, then buy a commercial property, like an office or industrial property, in your area.
I see a couple of interesting options on Loopnet. An industrial condo for $450k built out as a brew pub (know anyone that wants to run one?). A downtown commercial building for $525k that could be your new office.
At the end of 25 years, what do you want to own and where do you want to own it?