Quote from @Sergey A. Petrov:
Not enough context here… fraudulent qualification for benefits/assistance where the deceased never actually truly qualified to begin with? Sure the government wants the money back. It is no different than someone stealing something and then selling it to someone else. That property / stolen thing does not belong to the buyer because the seller never had legal rights to it and could not sell it. Still not a payment. A payment is for services rendered or goods provided. It sounds like the benefits weren’t “legal” so should not have been disbursed and need to be returned. Again not enough context here…
He did qualify and was receiving SSI. Then, about 10 years ago they provided a home attendant for him, who helped with some chores, I guess, and now that he passed away the Dept. of Social Services is requesting payment because the deceased was receiving public assistance. The problem I have with this is that there are so many people who receive SSI (lawfully), and I never heard of someone requesting them or their children to pay back the public assistance. By the sound of it, Public Assistance seems to be like charity, and therefore shouldn't have to be paid back once the recipient passes away, imho. Please, correct me if I am wrong.