Very familiar with Scott and the Renatus community in Downers Grove. Real Estate is a field of business that has many facets. Learning them all is not necessary, but if you don't, you could miss out on opportunities. It is very difficult to becoming a successful investor without owning some kind of business because jobs don't typically pay enough to keep a moderate size portfolio going if one runs into difficulties. The direct sales side of the Renatus opportunity is a great additional income stream that helps people get started faster and dovetails your mission rather effectively should you decide to implement it. Renatus education is the only education system that is sold where profits are shared with customers so far, and shared powerfully they are! As long as a product is worth more than the investment, I'd buy (I did by the way and I'd do it again!) It is also very difficult (if not impossible) to do Real Estate Investing alone. Building a team is essential and having all the important resources is KEY. It is a people business and the people are your most important asset. They all won't always have time to help at a particular moment, but I've always gotten it when I needed it! Lots of GREAT people. Get plugged in, learn alot, and then APPLY the knowledge and the skills you develop. Compared to other programs, Renatus ROCKS and is way way way over the top.