The unfortunate reality is that a safe Vaccine is a long way off. It may never come. It normally takes 10 years to develop a vaccine that is safe and effective. Perhaps it can be found quicker but at what health cost? There are NO shortcuts if you want a tested and safe Vaccine. Also realize the flu vaccine has been fairly ineffective for many years. It is, after all, mostly a guess about which viruses will transfer from the southern hemispheres every winter. Its track record is very hit or miss. A Dean of the UW Madison public health department recently cast doubt on any vaccine working. Some diseases do not respond to vaccines. Very little is known yet about Covid. It may be something we have to learn to live with, or it may die out naturally as the Spanish flu did in 1919. Either way the stock market is in utter denial. Republican states are getting a dose of reality. Trump is a loser at this moment. And Im buying more cheap residential multifamily. Good luck and hope for the best but prepare for the worst. A lot of willfully ignorant people are making some disastrous decisions.