Thanks all for the great feedback! Where to start...
@Deirdre Lizio We are not sure yet about wanting to come back to the property or not, but I would say this is a realistic possibility so yes we would want to take that into consideration. I think it is a good point and one of my biggest worries, if not THE biggest worry is finding the right tenant. But I still wonder if a property manager is needed for that aspect.
One other thing I didn't mention is that our timeline for moving is extremely flexible and we would not make our plans until after we have found a suitable tenant (even if that means staying with a friend or renting something short term locally), so at the moment I am a bit inclined to want to try things ourselves using some of the recommendations from @Nathan Gesner, @Chris Berry and others.
I also did a a rough analysis based on the two local PMs I have researched and the potential cost savings would be over $6,000 a year. Not a small chunk of change and is money I could put towards some of the unexpected issues that others have warned about.
@Daniel McDonald and @Chris Berry I love the idea of hiring a friend (we don't have family in the area) neighbor or relator to walk the property every so often to send updates. @Chris Berry do you mind sharing how much you pay your realtor for that service?
Lastly, since my biggest concern is finding a quality tenant I am still considering paying a realtor for the initial placement service, but is the going rate for that always one month rent? I'm anticipating renting the place for $4,500 to $5,000 so that is a hefty cost. Is there any precedent for realtors or other placement services charging a flat fee instead or half month rent?
Thanks again!