A few points you might consider. 1. To @Ned Carey 's point above there is an excellent chance you don't owe that mortgage being as this went through tax sale. I know of know state where a mortgage survives a tax sale. Two. No worries on a quit claim. We own a ton of houses with only quit claims. The only issue is when seeking financing but you can quiet in most states for about $1,000 is it is not contested. And the people who actually run the bank will not contest if it has gone through tax sale. I can't guarantee that but we have done dozens of these houses. Finally how about looking into introductory credit card deals with zero interest for a year or 6 months just to give yourself breathing room so you can make a decision going forward. You can probably get one for attorneys fees to quiet the title and than get better financing when it is done. With your rental number if you can work through that your house makes sense as a rental even if you spent more than you should have. Message me if you want to discuss.