@Ryan Ray
I understand I am a bit late to the party here, but none the less what we usually do typically depends on what the clients goals are, but usually running a combination of Lead generation ad, Social awareness/Engagement, while also running some current listings and open houses.
For our lead generation, we've done pretty decent in the past targeting investors. I heard a while ago from a guy in the car dealership niche, who implemented an appointment calendar into his leadpage on clickfunnels while integrating a SMS follow up. So we're looking to implement and try this strategy out soon.
Social Engagement we always try to devote a small portion of the ad budget to as some agents goals are more sustaining, if we can build up social awareness that will drive future deals, or sales. Also some we're on that push to get a good following of 10,000+ for ad favorability and cost reasons.
We have also found although sometime not as quantifiable as lead generation, we've had success from promoting current listings to gain interest in a particular property while also driving potential buyer leads. For example the agent saw roughly $18,000 from an ad we spent $70 to promote. Again this strategy is not as quantifiable as the lead gen, and this is from the agents word so take it how you may.
I think someone has already mentioned this but video is always a great tool to use because of the retargeting capabilities.
Pixel is a great tool to gather data even if you don't use it at the moment to target customers, I would definitely embed it in your site, as it will still gather that data of people which you can use at a later date for look alike audiences or whatever you may. If you are using pixel for targeting, I would embed it into the page as a whole, if you really want to use it deeper I would embed several pixels maybe on the general site and another in a contact us or a page where people may be browsing properties on your site to retarget more serious potential leads. If you have a page for buyers and a page for sellers I would embed them there and target them with specified ads as a follow up.
Hope this give some insight and brings some value, feel free to message me if you have any questions.