@Dave Foster and @Brandon Hall, I really appreciate the responses. Maybe I'm a little slow but I keep flip flopping in my head about how I understand this. I may be preemptively posting as I have not had a chance to look at the posts you reference on this Brandon and I plan to do so later today.
That being said, the intent to sell is still unclear to me for the following reason:
I'm in my mid thirties, so if I look at my real estate investments in relation to the course of my life, it's likely I will end up selling most of them. If I over simplify it to will I sell these properties I think the answer has to be yes which depending on how you read the above means it will fall into ordinary income.
The counter argument that I keep flip flopping back to in my head is that while I own these properties I fully plan to make them work for me. I will have someone living in the property paying rent, I'll be taking my depreciation, etc. From that stand point per the above they would fall into the capital gains category.
The part of your comments which is the most concerning is the reference to people holding properties for extended periods of time and getting nailed with ordinary income. I'm hoping this was because they used it as a primary residence or something along those lines which won't be an issue for my business planning but again I need to read the referenced posts and educate myself.
Just wanted to say thanks! Having this type of resource is awesome.