I've searched for a good thread on phone call screening questions for possible motivated sellers responding to various marketing materials (bandit signs, classified ads, craigslist, etc.) but it seems like all the one's I find have multiple posts deleted from them. Not sure what that's about...
Anyway, just wondering if anyone had a good site with a list of good screening questions or just wanted to put share their questions on here.
I typically ask the following:
1. WHY they are selling. <= Most important in my book.
2. Where it is (This gives me a good idea about what it might be worth and if I even want to bother with it; I personally don't prefer to invest in low income neighborhoods)
3. What they think it's worth
4. What they want for it
5. Terms of their financing arrangements
6. How much equity they have in it (kind of goes along with question 4)
7. If it's listed
8. Various other questions depending on the responses they provide to 1-7
I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting but those are the essentials.
So, fellas, what you got?