Wow - thank you all for your responses - I came back from work today and found all these great notes. I'll start from the top and work my way down.
@Jason Fraser - thanks for the REIA idea - I'll do that
@Jon Holdman - I just purchased the house and assume the carpet is well over 3 years old. The prior owner took pretty good care of it so all the damage took place with this tenant. Thank you for educating me on this, I thought I could go after him for any amounts over the security deposit. Are you suggesting that I cannot even keep the security deposit to offset the cost of replacing this carpet?
@Bill S. - Thank you for taking so much time to provide such a detailed answer. As I mentioned to Jon above, I had intended on going after the tenant, but it is Jon's opinion that since it is over 3 years and therefore fully depreciated there is no value to go after him for. I also appreciate all your other tips. By the way, I read your reply to my wife - we both got a kick out of the marital warnings!
@Marcia Maynard - I do intend on itemizing the list of repairs, I hope to get to my county's laws regarding the amount I can get the tenant to pay.
@Matt M. - I sent you a private message to get your recommendations - thanks.