Regardless of age, with a brand new business you're not going to get 100k at any kind of reasonable terms unless your credit score is 800+ AND you have some collateral (like a house) Sorry for the bad news but its just the truth.
By the way, I started an LLC the magical 2 years ago (Feb 1, 2006). After a while I stopped selling what I was selling and just let the LLC kind of sit there with no sales. When I wanted to start a different type of company, I just used that existing LLC (just changed names) BTW, you can't always do that.
When it came time to test the magical 2 years theory, I went to the bank to get a line of credit. Even though the company was doing well (only 6 months old ...for real) they weren't looking at it as a 6 month old company. They thought it had been in biz for 2 years. THAT doesn't look too great! If I had really been in biz for 2 years, my income would have been way up and I could have qualified for more.
The magical 2 years DOES help. You are NOT going to get a line of credit UNLESS you have AT LEAST been in business 2 years. So it is good but not the magic formula everyone acts like it is.
FYI, Our buddy in the same industry also just got a line of credit. He got 100k line of credit from Chase. His fees were 250 per year for the privelege. He has been in business (for real, not a shelf corp) 3 years and has a much higher yearly income. He also has a credit score of 780! In contrast, we could only get a line at 25k. Our fees are 150 per year PLUS a one time fee of 400! (thats 550!) OUCH!
Another thing. Chase changed their lending guidelines a couple days after I applied for the line. All the lenders seem to be getting stricter. The loan officer (and I believe her) says I probably wouldn't qualify under the new guidelines but would be grandfathered in since I applied before the change.
We are considering accepting the line of credit even with the huge fees because 1. It gives us capital 2. It is in the business name and can build that all important business credit and 3. We just might not qualify at the new lending guidelines in the future!
Oh, and also, make it an LLC or Corporation from the start. Lenders will look at a sole proprietorship/partnership that converted into an LLC and if it has only been in business 2 years, they really only give the weight to the time it was an LLC/Corp! Retarded but true.
Banks also look at your gross vs. net. They want net to be at least 25% of gross (ie, gross 100k, you need to take home 25k after all expenses)
They also look at your personal debt.
THey ask a LOT of questions (45 min worth) about how you recieve payments, what sort of invoices you are waiting for payment on, how you pay your vendors, they want to see credit with vendors, especially ongoing obligations to show your payment history. They want to know who does the books, what forms you use on taxes, etc. I know it sounds like I was grilled, I really was not. It was just a LOT of questions!