Since each house on this program has to be initially inspected (as well as yearly inspections) it would be beneficial to review the requirements with your particular Housing Authority. Issues like peeling paint, broken windows, outlets/light switches uncovered would not pass inspection. Often porches above a certain height need balusters and rails and steps above a certain level need sturdy hand rails. And of course working smoke alarms (and if gas, carbon monoxide detectors). However, some inspectors are quite "thorough" and there have been many stories from landlords about a unit failing because of a pulled thread in a carpet being a "trip hazard" or a range with dirty drip pans being a fire hazard.
Keep in mind that some Section 8 tenants can be quite rough on a rental property and landlords will attempt to "harden" these. There is no requirement for garbage disposals or ceiling fans in this program. Remember if follow up inspections fail the unit the person responsible for repairing will be you even if the damage is done by the tenant.