Yeah...I had to reread this half a dozen times to even wrap my head around this argument. (Its early. Where’s my 2nd cup of coffee?!)
Your starting argument is correlating buying a share of the dow Jones industrial average for $28,000 to an average wage of $26/hr and doing the same thing in 1971 to come up with a time worked / share comparison.
So what are you trying to say? That the economic performance of the top 30 industrial companies in the US economy are higher than the average US wage than they were 47 years ago? This spread can be discussed as an argument for the disappearing middle class of America. However as an argument on stocks vs real estate?
Someone has a chunk of money ($10k, $50k, $100k+...). Where can they put that to make money with their money? The stock market is a reasonable option for all of those dollar amounts. Real estate, maybe not so much on the lower end. I bought my first shares of stock when I was 17 with $50. You don’t need to buy a share of the DJIA to invest in the stock market.
Additionally, comparing time to money returned is subjective. When I invested heavily in the stock market, I enjoyed researching companies/stocks. I didn’t consider it work, I really enjoyed it. Same with trolling for RE properties now. I spend a ton of time sourcing deals, closing on deals, planning renos, etc. because I enjoy it.