@Ali Boone
Hi Ali!
Thank you for the compliments! It's always great hearing motivational comments from veteran real estate professionals.
I'm totally bummed to hear about all of California being on the same boat as LA in terms of hard to turn a profit. I still have a ton of research to do on other cities outside of LA but I do have to agree with you that most of what I'm finding is exactly as you mentioned in terms of making a positive cash flow. I still do think it's still a tiny bit better than LA so I still have my fingers crossed.
My long term goal is to definitely invest outside of California. I feel like there's a gold mine waiting to be tapped. But since this is my first investment, I would love to be more hands-on and be involved to better learn the process. That's pretty much the only reason why I am hoping to keep my first few properties in a few hour driving distance. Even if the cash flow is much more limited here.
To be honest I am not even remotely considering appreciation profits in my research for now. I know I should be but I'm already overwhelmed with learning all about basic buy and holds with rent as a main source of cash flow. I also am completely lost as to where to start out in terms of researching past and current housing market values and such. I feel like that's a whole other monster to tackle and I am trying my best not to overwhelm myself and get discouraged.
Definitely let me know if that is a completely wrong way of thinking or if you have any other suggestions on getting started or which direction I should be going!
I'm glad you think there is still a possibility of making my goal happen. I'm sure I will get more specific with my goal as I learn more but one common suggestion from everywhere seems to be setting a goal. It's definitely helpful and motivation just to have a goal though.
Thanks again for your response and I'll definitely keep you posted as I find out more on my end!